Peter Drucker. A man, whose thoughts touched millions…
It is said that every person is connected with another, in the human network, with an average of seven hops. If a similar graph was to be made of people connected by ideas, then the node of Peter Drucker would truly be an immensely dense one. In a career spanning nearly seventy-five years his ideas shaped the modern corporate structure. Aptly described as the 'father of management', he distilled the concept of management from the broad field of industrial operations. His 1959 book Landmarks of Tomorrow gave my role at my company a name - 'Knowledge Worker'.
Peter Drucker's thoughts had been influencing me only subtly until the January of 2004. I was then studying at IIIT-B when the following quote appeared in Fortune: “The technical graduates of the Indian Institute of Information Technology in Bangalore are as good as any in the world”-- Peter Drucker, Fortune, January 2004. This was a proud moment for our Institute. A sense of veneration for the guru was affirmed in our hearts forever.
After graduation when I joined my current company, I was in awe of the highly evolved processes and practices here. Only later did I discover that many of them were derivatives of Peter Drucker's thoughts. Management, he said, deals with the people and the creation of communities. This has been one of the ideals my company embraces - creation of communities of its most valuable resource. Another important concept is 'Management By Objectives'. All of us here prepare our MBOs every quarter and use this to guide our everyday activities. These MBOs roll up to team MBOs, group MBOs, up till the company MBO. These management concepts have been pivotal to our company's growth and has been fueling the engines to reach the destinations of tomorrow.
One man who shaped the management world as we see it today, Peter Drucker will live on...
You sum it up when you say ...
"One man who shaped the management world as we see it today, Peter Drucker will live on... "
Amen, MB