I thought this would happen one day. One day, someone would be there, with a bag-full of weird questions - ready to hurl them at me… Oh YES!! I've been TAGGED :)
Before I delve into answering the tag-questions, lemme share with you some moments from yesteryears that are making me nostalgic. It was long back…seems like eons now. My tenth' days. During those days, there were no blogs, no myspace or orkut, not even emails. There was something really wonderful - a slam book :) Almost everyone had one - and all of us had to have entries from everyone else. We were a really tight group - the entire class. The slam books are the memoirs of the glorious innocent days.
Scene Change. Back to the present.
Common', bring it on…
Name six things/ behaviours / habits that bother you in a person
Ok… in no particular order: I detest people that are shabbily dressed. People who don't know how to converse Poseurs People who don't have that spark People who are not at peace with themselves or those given into incessant cribbing People with loads of attitude who are actually hollow within.
Name six places you dream of visiting on a vacation
Revisit my native place and catch up with all the relatives. The Alps - for the snow capped mountains Mauritius, Malaysia, Gold Coast - for the beaches. Prefer to reach there on a cruise ship. Egypt - for the camel ride to the pyramids African Safari - the real thing On a plane, 10,000ft high - for the thrill of skydiving :)
Name 6 things you would like to do/ accomplish by next year
Learn to swim, Learn Salsa & Learn a new language ….French Finish my list of books - more than 30 books in there Reconnect with old friends and bond stronger with the current ones Get a patent Continue to discover myself Love and be loved in return - the greatest thing :) (Ref: Nature Boy)
Name six things people would be surprised to know about you
My pet name is after a German Indologist - Max Mueller I can hold my breath for 90 seconds I can say Z to A in 3 seconds. (and all letters in between ;) I was a young scientist - even before I was 10, my research on the effects of peeing on a plant was complete. BTW, I found out that they die! I'm good at crafts - had developed lots of items during school days. Now, a bit rusty :) I struggled my way thru Sanskrit classes - it was like I was in a Greek class! |