Tuesday, January 30, 2007
  Expanding the realm of one's comfort zone
All of us have created a sphere of convenience around us. You, me, we all spend most of our time inside this comfort zone. This is a safe place. Here we engage ourselves in repetitive daily tasks - the tasks that we are proficient in. This is a familiar place and we feel at ease taking the beaten path.

This sphere of convenience gets built all along our lives. It begins with early childhood and is developed during initial schooling, from the culture at home and in the environment where we grow up, while pursuing higher education, with the company of friends, at the workplace, et al. What is vital to observe is that the rate of expansion of this sphere is not constant during this period. The sphere grows in increments - something like a jagged curve. A line of best fit would have a higher positive slope during the formative years than during the later years after completing education and after settling down at the workplace. This slope is a good measure of the development of a person's personality.

As you would have realized during the above description, the growth of this realm is not entirely an externally triggered event. It is very much possible to provide a upward fillip to the slope of the curve. I'm sure you can come up with a list of such empowering activities that suite your taste and needs. Some means of accelerating the multi-directional expansion of this sphere include: challenging oneself, developing a quest for the limits of one's potential, building the energy and passion to venture beyond the safely of one's nest, etc.

Like all goals, this too has a 'as measured by' component. When we cross the threshold of comfort we instinctively get that feeling of adrenalin rush. It is not a feeling which can be missed or mistook for something else.

When people say that we should live life on the edge, it is this edge of the sphere that they are talking about. Feel it. Live it.


posted by Div @ 2:43 AM   1 comments
Sunday, January 28, 2007
  Happy Republic Day
posted by Div @ 9:58 PM   0 comments
Thursday, January 25, 2007
  Some Useful Links...
Scenario: Need a floppy drive on your system? It could be for reasons like creating a boot floppy, or if an application would write only to a floppy drive.

For such cases use the Virtual Floppy Drive from here

Scenario: Need a bootable floppy for an older version of Windows?

Use an image from FreePCTech using this link
posted by Div @ 1:20 AM   0 comments
Thursday, January 04, 2007
  What does Apple have up its sleeve?
We all know the stuff Apple delivers when it talks about its 'One Last Thing'. And now we have a bold insignia depicting the sunrise of the company right at its homepage. And this comes at a time when the company has been proclaimed as the most innovative company of all!

This message has got the rumor mills running in full throttle - just do an internet search. Although no one knows for certain what is coming, I love the feeling in the air that this company has created around it.
posted by Div @ 5:40 AM   0 comments
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