Friday, June 18, 2004 |
Innovation Weblog - Develop your strategic thinking abilities: "Develop your strategic thinking abilities
Paul Schumann of The Innovation Road Map Travelogue Weblog, outlines four abilities that you can develop to enhance your capability to think strategically (excerpted from an article by Gregg Edwards, published in The Innovation Road Map Magazine):
'1. Visionary time frame, or the ability to see the true potential of ever-larger new enterprises and then tenaciously actualize that truth.
2. Perspective, or the ability to cull from ordinary impressions the most consequential patterns of events and to evaluate their significance from many perspectives.
3. Comprehension, or the ability to quickly assemble all salient factors into strategies and to understand their implications at many levels.
4. Flexibility, or the ability to strategically organize both action and learning � to take advantage of and be responsive to unknowns as they become known.'" |
posted by Div @ 5:31 AM  |